100% GOOD (10 votes)risposto
Hello, somebody who teach Iranian? we can exchange languages, Spanish is my native language.

I wanna to learn Iranian, so I'm looking for someone who teach it, is it possible? We can exchange as language as culture, I'm Argentinean and my native language is Spanish.


Regards and thanks.


parisa_m83 profile picture parisa_m83June 2018
I can help U!!!
Yasamif profile picture YasamifJune 2018
Hi.i can help you in persian.
OMIDREZA profile picture OMIDREZAJanuary 2018

im male
may name is omid
im 34 years old
im from iran
i can speak persian fluently
one of the my ambition is being able to speak english fluently
and i really interested in english language .and im bound to learn it
nice to meet you
i always wanted to have a best friend like you
could you tell me about your name please
where are you from
this is my whats app"s phone number00989176172954
could you give me your whats app"s phone number?
Mandana96 profile picture Mandana96November 2017
Hi.Good idea.I can help you.
masoud5652 profile picture masoud5652November 2017
i want to learning english
any one here help me?
danial62 profile picture danial62November 2017
سلامی چوبوی خوش آشنایی
zaahraa profile picture zaahraaNovember 2017
Ican teach U
neginn4 profile picture neginn4April 2017
oh I really want to learn spanish.and my mother tongue is persian so I can teach you;)