Learning English,Teaching Persian

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Hi everybody,my name is Mary and I am from Iran ,so I can teach my native language Persian to anyone who likes,in exchange I wana improve my English,in fact I really need a native English speaker helps me in English conversation.my skye id is maryam_h70, plz leave me messages,Thanks.



OrchideeNoire profile picture OrchideeNoireNovember 2013
Hi Mary, I would love to learn Persian .. In exchange I can help you with your english since I'm not a native speaker but I've been studying since I was 7. I hope you can help me.

Alex ^_^
  • MaryHejazi profile picture MaryHejaziNovember 2013
    Hi my friend,it would be my pleasure to help you with my Persian and thanks alot thant you want to help me in exchange,tell me how we can be connected to eachother,Im waiting for your message,bye for now.