My Persian/Farsi for your Arabic

50% GOOD (4 votes)

My Persian/Farsi for your Arabic or English. I'm intermediate in Arabic & I study Advanced English, I need to be fluent because my major is En.Translating & I have a lot of En books to study. I'm not as fast & fluent as I need to be.


morihei profile picture moriheiMay 2013
السلام عليكم... أنا أعلمك عربي و أنت تعلمني الفارسية...
  • Ghoghnoos profile picture GhoghnoosMay 2013
    wa alaikom alsalam, sure I will be very happy to work Farsi with you. I'm learning Arabic (fos'ha) but I can't speak Arabic well. I can understand many things but can't reply in Arabic. send me message if you were interested. I'm looking forward to your reply.
morihei profile picture moriheiMay 2013
من الممكن لي ان اعلمك العربي المصري أو الفصحي....أريد منك أن أتعلم الفارسية
Svenghard profile picture SvenghardApril 2013

? السلام عليكم كيف حالك 

? روز بخير دوستی من چطوری  

I'm Moroccan so I can help you with Arabic. In addition,I started learning Farsi four days ago and I think it's a pretty language


  • Ghoghnoos profile picture GhoghnoosApril 2013
    و علیکم السلام. شکرا انا بخیر. Give me your email. communicating here is difficult. I will contact your email. I'm looking forward to your message.
Ayda88 profile picture Ayda88September 2012
Do u want someone to study or practice english?