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🙏 How do you say "Please" in Indonesian?

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adihalim15 profile picture adihalim15March 2023

Hello Vincent I think there are 2 types of ”please” that you can express here :

1. To ASK something
We usually say : ”tolong” (common), ”mohon” (semi formal), or ”harap” (formal)
E.g :
a) ”Please open the door” = ”Tolong / Mohon / Harap buka pintu”
b) ”Please help me” = ”Tolong / Mohon / Harap bantu saya
Most Indonesian people usually use "Tolong" in daily conversations.

2. To ALLOW something / someone
We usually say ”Silakan”
a) ”Please come in!” : ”Silakan masuk!”
b) ”Enjoy your dinner, please” : ”Silakan menikmati makan malam kamu”

Hope it helps!

ahmadikbal_p profile picture ahmadikbal_pJanuary 2023
In the context of ”begging” something, you can also say ”Mohon”
for example :
”Please don’t do it again.” = ”Mohon jangan lakukan itu lagi.”
”Please forgive me” = ”Mohon maafkan saya.”
ventri profile picture ventriDecember 2022
In a formal setting, it can be translated into ”Harap”
For example:
Please keep your belongings with you at all times.
Harap jaga barang bawaan anda.
Harap means please as a polite request in this sentence.
Harap matikan telepon anda. Please turn off your phone.
Not to be confused with the literal meaning of harap which is to hope.
Saya harap anda menikmati acara ini.

I hope you enjoy this event.

However in a casual setting, please basically means tolong.
Please help me.
Tolong bantu saya.