Looking for speaking partner

17% GOOD (6 votes)

Halo semuanya, nama saya bimo, dari tangerang. Saya sedang mencari teman buat belajar bahasa inggris melalui internet. Tertutama masalah berbicara. Jadi kalau ada yang tertarik, langsung kontak saya saja ya... Kita bisa berbicara melalui MSN dengan video call. (buset bahasa gw resmi amat ye? :D )


Hello there!, my name is bimo, from tangerang. I am looking for a friend to learn english through the internet. Especially with the speaking. So if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact me... We can speak on MSN with video call. :)


ridwan_tau profile picture ridwan_tauSeptember 2016
halo. aku ingin
Manon- profile picture Manon-December 2010

Hello ! Nama Saya Manon, Daru France. I'd like to learn Indonesian language, can you teach me ?

I know very few words in Indonesian, but I love this language, dan I have friends here.

I can teach you English more or if you want to learn French, I can help you :)

  • Akio profile picture AkioAugust 2013
    Halo Manon,, I can teach you Indonesian a little....by correcting your words maybe... we can learn each other?? ^__^
restdwi profile picture restdwiJanuary 2014
i've been learning english on speaking skill do u have skype? my id is restdwi11 catch me there and we can learning together
Adityawicak profile picture AdityawicakSeptember 2013
Halo Bimo, saya disini juga sedang ingin belajar bahasa inggris, mungkin kita bisa saling membantu