Indonesian pronunciation

25% GOOD (4 votes)

  Can someone please tell me how to pronounce the word "Salute" in Indonesian? Thank you very much


adrnstyd profile picture adrnstydApril 2011

If you really meant the pronunciation of 'Salute' then it is Sah-loo-tay. But then again, there is no word 'salute' in Bahasa Indonesia.

adrnstyd profile picture adrnstydApril 2011

It depends on the context. Salute can be  bersulang, menyapa, memberi penghormatan, etc.

Can you show us what context you mean by giving us sentences using the word?

hidayat profile picture hidayatApril 2010

You can say "salute" with "salut". We say salut to give good appreciation for someone who do good job