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How to introduce yourself in Icelandic?

And also ask about polish embassy, where it is.

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Icelandic: Free resource: How to Use BeIrregular VerbsKitchenIntroduce yourself Að kynna þig


Polyglot411 profile picture Polyglot411May 2020
Ill do the best i can to help you as i am still learning. The way you say your name is Ég heiti Enores. To ask where something is, you say Hvað and I dont know the rest, i havent covered it yet.
  • vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2020
    it’s perfect, many thanks Polyglot411 & LingoSnail nice usernames by the way
  • lingosnail profile picture lingosnailDecember 2020
    You’d say ”Ég heiti (Vincent)” indeed.
    For a small intoductionary conversation you can write/say something like this; Halló! Ég heiti Vincent. Hvað heitir þú? (Hi! My name is Vincent. What is your name?)
    And then it could follow;
    Gaman að hitta þig! Hvað segirðu gott? (Nice to meet you! How are you?)

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