Best way to learn

50% GOOD (4 votes)

I've been learning for a little while, you won't find an amazing, patient, fluent in Icelandic person with ALL of their time to give you (maybe for a high enough price, but not for free) ...

Best ways are to start with the books and audio causes, there are many good websites out there if you look for them, the grammar is so complicated with full time study I think it'd take me 2/3 years.. so that's why I'm going to be learning Icelandic 'on the side' while other languages take precedence, because for an English person, it will take a lot for the grammar to sink in and you can't learn the whole system and all the pronouns and declensions in a short space of time, so always go slow and steady I think is the best way, don't get put off though, imagine what you can say if you stay the course... "I'm fluent in Icelandic, one of the hardest languages to learn ever" .. that's my goal!