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🕒 How do you Express the Past in Hungarian?

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MuYang profile picture MuYangDecember 2022
In Hungarian, when conjugating verbs, the past tense is expressed by writing the appropriate word endings at the end of the conjugated verbs:

Present tense:

Én megyek. (-ok, -ek, -ök) / I’m going.
Én állok. / I am standing.

Te mész. (-sz, -ol) / You are going.
Te állsz. / You are standing.

Ő megy. / He is going.
Ő áll. / He is standing.
(Conjugation in the third person singular is a bit more complicated and requires a longer description)

Mi megyünk. (-ünk, -unk) / We are going.
Mi állunk. / We are standing.

Ti mentek. (-tok, -tek, -tök) / You are going.
Ti álltok. / You are standing.

Ők mennek. (-nak, -nek) / They are going.
Ők állnak. / They are standing.

Past tense:

Én mentem. (-tem, -tam) / I was going.
Én álltam. / I was standing.

Te mentél. (-tél, -tál) / You were going.
Te álltál. / You were standing.

Ő ment. (-t. -ett, -ott) / He was going.
Ő állt. / He was standing.
Ő evett. / He was eating.
Ő futott. / He was running.

Mi mentünk. (-unk, -ünk) / We were going. (We went)
Mi álltunk. / We were standing

Ti mentetek. (-etek, -atok) / You were going.
Ti álltatok. / You were standing.

Ők mentek. (-ek, -ak) / They were going.
Ők álltak. / They were standing.

I illustrate the endings in this way ”-ok, -ek, -ök”, because the vowels, unfortunately, are different from all verbs, as required by the developed, traditional sound harmony of the language, but the consonants are the same as a template, and this makes it easier to use the endings .