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Can someone help me to understand the Noun cases used in German? When do I use them>

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Duc_ profile picture Duc_August 2018
As german has a weak declination, one often can't distinguish the cases of the nouns, like in english. Thus the articles (der, die, das etc.) are important, becaue they are declinated parallel to the noun to whom they belong.
Usage - like in English:
The 1st case indicates the subject of a sentence.
The 2nd case indicates relations of posession, origin or context.
The 3rd and 4th case indicate objects of sentences.
Der Sohn (1st case) des Bürgermeisters (2nd case) zeigte dem Fremden (3rd case) den Weg (4th case).
The son of the mayor showed the stranger the way.
The 5th and 6th case, well known in latin, russian etc. are mostly replaced by constructions consisting of a preposition + dativ / accusativ.
  • Traveller profile picture TravellerSeptember 2018
    This is exactly the way to convince people that German is difficult. Why not departing from the numbers introduced by the catholic church in order to make people understand that "case" is nothing more than a requirement of the verb or preposition?
Traveller profile picture TravellerSeptember 2018
"Case" can be discarded more or less without any loss. Yo have to learn verbs or prepositions unconditionally together with the required form,that`s all. If you want to now more, just contact me.
Duc_ profile picture Duc_August 2018
Its nearly identical to the english usage. Maybe you should post examples of doubt where we could try to explain more closely the tiny differences between these languages.