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I would like to be fluent in German.

Hi I can help you if you help me, I am 36yr old, I caonsider myself as a poly or hyperpolyglot in a way, I have been going abroad since I was quite young I guess it is the jupsy part in me, I can say good morning in both german, greek and damn I can`t remember the third one but It will come back to me, I have allways liked learning about cultures and there ways of life, my English grammar is not perfect, I love to write and talk, even me being 36 years old and still can not get past page 7 when I start to write a book, but I love to help, I have a mild learning disability and I am far from being shy, I took a unknown illness when I was 4 and a half, I would love to share it with the world it is why I belive in miricals, lets just say I was not treated diffrently I whent to a mainstream school lead a life just like all of you, I was never held back and no matter how hard life was and thwy did try to treat me diffrent etc but I got what I whanted by fighting not violence , and I continue to do that, and yes I would love to move contry because it is not the same as it used to be, and yes I would love to tell the world abiut the mirrical about me at death door about my unknown illness, the question is can you help me get fluent in German, and Spanish then maybe Polish and chinees and more?, I mastered the german pronouncations, and still  strugling and learing, so maybe I should try the slavakian languages lathere than the Germanic languages, seen as I am taking it more seriously and whanting to be fluent in as many languages as I can before I die, I wounder what would be the best place for me to moce to apart from the uk, what would happen if my allowance stoped obviously things would stop and change, and what would happen? my parents and me is not rich so I would need to find a resonable place to day.