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how to understand long german sentences?

I have difficulty understanding german sentences that contain a lot of clauses or whatever.

What can I do? and which part of the german grammar do I need to improve?

The following are sentences that I cannot easily understand.

"Der Gruenstreifen schwirrte vom Zirpen der Grashuepfer, die wie wild aus dem Unkraut und den staubigen hellen Blaettern der Oelweiden geschossen kamen, gegen seine Hosenbeine taumelten, von seinem Hemd abprallter."

"Serena lässt sich schnell demotivieren, wenn es nicht planmäßig läuft, was man daran sieht, dass sie das Training aufgeben will, als sie hinuntergeworfen wurde."

PS: Explore free learning materials for German: Learning: Common strong and mixed verbsFalse FriendsFuture TenseDEUTSCH IM DETAIL 2


Romy9009 profile picture Romy9009July 2017
Hallo, you Need to improve "Kommaregeln" Sentence 1 of the example is ok, look at number 10. Sentence 2 is`nt correct german. Better: Serena lässt sich schnell demotivieren, wenn es nicht planmäßig läuft. Das sieht man daran, dass sie das Training aufgeben will, wenn sie zurückfällt. Good luck!
  • betty_cgn profile picture betty_cgnJuly 2017
    And I think you need our gramma.
    you have to ask to each clause.
    Normally you find only one subject and one verb, if you find more than one pradicate and one predicate complement you have to look if there is a secound subject -> than you know you have linked two sentences. So you have to do it with one subjects and two pradicates you know their are two actions linked and so on
Duc_ profile picture Duc_July 2017
They're like braces in maths. a(b+c) is shorter than a*b+a*c.