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Which is the difference with "Das, Der, Die,"?

I tried learning german with an app in my iphone but in the excersice i always made the mistake with the usage of "Die, Das, Der". I wonder if someone could explain me. Thanks!





PS: Try out these free German learning lessons: Tutorial: Common VerbsFamily MembersTongue twistersDefinite Articles in German


Emina_ profile picture Emina_February 2017
"Der, Die, Das" are German articles. You use Der for male (maskulin) nous, Die for female (feminin) nouns and Das for (neutrum) nouns.
  • Duc_ profile picture Duc_April 2017
    Neutra are known from Latin also. The Gerundia ("Das Lachen") or "das Kind" are german examples.

    However the plural is easy. All definite articles are then "die". Die Männer, die Frauen, die Kinder...
  • Javiieer profile picture JaviieerFebruary 2017
    En español sólo hay dos, en otras hay lenguas más o menos. En Inglés sólo está "the" y se acabó. Algunos sustantivos corresponden con la naturaleza que tenemos en el español, pero otros difieren de ella. Así que no queda de otra que a la hora de aprender un nuevo sustantivo, de paso su género y plural. Esto te ayudará más adelante.
Jaegerjoe77 profile picture Jaegerjoe77June 2017
Der, Die, and Das means "The" in English.
Marina_mi profile picture Marina_miJune 2017
Der is masculine.
Das is neutral.
Die is femnine or plural.
A french word in feminine can be in deutsch masculine : La table / der Tisch / a table