Stem nå!ubesvart

Hallo alle! Mein Name ist Julia. Ich bin eine Englisch Lehrerin und studiere auch Philologie in Russland. Ich brauche eure Hilfe!!! Mein Deutsch ist jetzt nicht gut genug, um für folgenden zu fragen, deshalb werde ich Englisch sprechen (tut mir leid):

I am graduating this year, and I am working on a very difficult but interesting research paper at the moment. The thing is, that I am making a questionnaire for my research paper and I need volunteers for it. If you are a NATIVE GERMAN SPEAKER and are willing to spend not more than 10-15 minutes of your time, I will be truly grateful! So, here goes the question for you:

>>> What GERMAN ADJECTIVES would come to your mind, if you were to define a KIND (I'd say GUT) person? On the other hand, what GERMAN ADJECTIVES would come to your mind, if you were to define an EVIL (I'd say BÖSE) person? In other words, what adjectives can be used as synonyms to these ones, in your opinion?

No less than 10 choices needed. You don't have to explain your choice, just give as much synonyms as you can! This would help me a lot, as I am studying the cultural/linguistic concepts of KINDNESS vs EVIL in three different languages, including GERMAN.

Bitte antworte! VIELEN DANK!!!


Mike_D profile picture Mike_DMay 2016
Gut ~ ehrlich, treu, aufrichtig, menschlich, mitfühlend, zuvorkommend, herzlich, liebevoll.

Böse ~ Gierig, missgünstig, selbstsüchtig, ignorant, rücksichtslos, gefühllos, lieblos.

I didn't quite get 10 of each together but they are even more precise.
Interesting field of studies by the way. The concept qualitative interpretation is interesting to me, too. Anybody sophisticated enough can see that language and vocabulary, to some extent, give a reflection of cultural identity and an insight into the mind and social thinking of a population.
Bennoni profile picture BennoniApril 2016
Gute Personen sind warmherzig, offen, einfühlsam, verständnisvoll, gütig, hilfsbereit, tolerant, freundlich, lustig, spaßig, ehrlich.
Böse Personen sind engstirnig, chollerisch, aufbrausend, schadenfreudig, egoistisch, intolerant, einfältig, rechthaberisch, verwerflich, nervig/lästig.
I hope this helps you, if you need any explanation of these terms don't hesitate to ask.
Sebb420 profile picture Sebb420April 2016
Hi, i'm a native Speaker.
Just write me your questions and i'll answer them.