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Проголосуй сейчас!Неотвеченный
I learn German and have a place don't understand.

My question is from this dialog.

Frau Schnell: Und wie ist Ihr Familienstand?
Frau Mainka: Wie bitte?
Sonne: Frau Schnell: Sind Sie verheiratet?
Sonne: Frau Mainka: Ja,ja,natürlich.
Sonne: Frau Schnell: Na ja,so natürlich ist das doch nicht.
Sonne: Frau Mainka: Aber-die Show heißt doch "Meine Familie und ich"!

My question:why she said "Na ja,so natürlich ist das doch nicht"?

I think about it for a long time but still can't understand.Why she said so in this situation?Please tell me why.

At last,thanks for someone helps. :)

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ahmet_f_ba profile picture ahmet_f_baFebruary 2017
Das ist quatsch aber ich denke das ist auch logisch
Olymbia profile picture OlymbiaMarch 2015
Frau Mainka: Yes, of course, I am married
Frau Schnell: Well, its far from a matter of course, that you have to be married (not everybody has to be married)
Frau Mainka: But the show is called "My Family and me" (You should know that I am married, otherwise I wouldn't have been here in this show).

Hope I could help you a bit
  • Hirngespenst profile picture HirngespenstMarch 2015
    It means:Many German don't get married but they still live together and make a new faimly,so when Frau Schnell listened that Frau Mainka got married she is so surprised,right?