I can help you with your German

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Hey everybody,

I can help you guys with your German. I am a 19 years old native speaker and search nice and interesting people from around the world. I especially search for people from the scandinavian countries. So just write me a message, tell me a bit about yourself and I am going to try to answer every single one.


Silvija profile picture SilvijaOctober 2007

my mail

is SilvijaSilvija profile picture

Silvija profile picture SilvijaOctober 2007

Hi, I'm Silvija from Croatia, I NEED HELP!

I've learned german for 4 years in school, but for my university, I have to read books and books. one word: HELP

felipegomesgomes profile picture felipegomesgomesOctober 2007

  Hello, man! my name is Felipe,  I live in Brazil and  need to learn German,  because my university tutor don´t talk 

  the portuguese right.  My english is not very good to talk, but excelent to read and understanding.  I´m able to learn german?

  my msn is : felipegomesgomesfelipegomesgomes profile picture    . And what´s yours?

sonpari profile picture sonpariSeptember 2007


i don't know even the ABC of German language. but from the comments here i got that in German Hello is Hallo, right??

can i learn   it successfully?

Zxem profile picture ZxemSeptember 2007
Hi. I'm Melissa. I would like to learn German. I'm a quarter German and  would like to learn so I can travel there. I would be very glad if you could teach me. Please contact me at ZxemZxem profile picture">ZxemZxem profile picture.


Minni profile picture MinniSeptember 2007


Ich bin Maija und ich komme aus Finnland. Wäre nett viele Leute aus andere Ländern kennen zu lernen.

Also, ich möchte gern meine Deutsche Sprache noch verbessern und wenn Sie wollen, kann ich Finnisch


Bis bald und Gruss aus Finnland


WsarahW profile picture WsarahWSeptember 2007

Ich bin franzosin and ich möchte deustch lernen. Ich kan franzosich lehren. I'm interested in art and music and in two years i will enter in a trade school if everythings works the way i want. I would enjoy talking with you in german to improve my german...WsarahWWsarahW profile picture
Simmy profile picture SimmySeptember 2007
hallo )ich bin Sima aus Litauen. Ich studiere Deutschsprache an dem Uniwersitat und will meine Kenntnise vertiefen.:) Ich kann dich Litauensprache unterrichten..:)
SimmySimmy profile picture