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🕒 How do you Express the Past in Galician?

PS: Explore free learning materials for Galician: Class: Feelings and EmotionsGive your OpinionBe PoliteFuture Tense


vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2022

Here are some examples:


I saw you: vinte
I wrote with a pen: escribín cun bolígrafo
You loved apples: a tí gustáronche as mazás (informal) / a vostede gustáronlle as mazás (polite)
You gave money: ti diches diñeiro (informal) / vostede deu diñeiro (polite)
  • Miguelcolmeiro profile picture MiguelcolmeiroDecember 2022
    In Galician there are no perfect tenses, in that sense it is closer to Latin than other romance languages. ”Eu fixen” means ”I did”, in Spanish you have both ”yo hice” and ”yo he hecho”. Pluscuamperfect: ”Eu fixera”= (Sp) ”Yo había hecho”, I had done in English. The parcial exception are verbs with ”Ter” (have) and participle, implying a repeated action in the past: ”Tiña estado tres veces en París” means ”I had already been three times in Paris”.