100% GOOD (1 votes)답변
let's be friends :D

Bonjour! /(°o°)/
Je suis Janina. 
I'm studying french at school now and I would like to make some french friends, who can help me :D
And I can teach you german. :)


DeltaZ profile picture DeltaZOctober 2014
I'm a french girl so I can help you if you want
  • lamphil profile picture lamphilOctober 2014
    Hello. Can I practice french with you? I can teach you vietnamese if you want
lamphil profile picture lamphilOctober 2014
Je ne suis pas français mais je veux pratiquer français aussi si tu veux.
MLouise profile picture MLouiseOctober 2014

hi i think i can halp you !!!!!!!  I speak fransh and arabic 

saaddz profile picture saaddzOctober 2014
i speak arabic