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J'ai bessoin d'aide avec mon français :/ I would really like to improve my comprehension skills with the language. Any help is greatly appreciated!


algundamium89 profile picture algundamium89August 2014
I'll be glad to help if you need it. Please feel free to contact me!
English-French profile picture English-FrenchAugust 2014
Je peux t'aider. J'aimerais aussi perfectionner mon anglais...
D-easy profile picture D-easyAugust 2014
I can help you with your conversational french in exchange of conversations in english
Nadjedja profile picture NadjedjaAugust 2014
Je peux aussi t’aider. I can help you too.
Chedly profile picture ChedlyAugust 2014

I help you. if you accept send me you're answer