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Hello, im learning French, searching for a kind persone who can answer some questions about grammar. (better if it will be а a native speaker). Can help you with English, russian or ukrainian instead.

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marionA13 profile picture marionA13June 2014
hi, i'm available for helping you,
Personnaly i'm searching person who help me for English,
i hope see you soon
evaporee profile picture evaporeeJune 2014
Hi Elesiya, I need to improve my level of english also for my career. It will be a pleasure for me to help you on the French grammar. I'm a native french speaker. Let me know.
loquet profile picture loquetMay 2014
bonjour... je peux aider en grammaire française et je peux comprendre l'anglais.....
aupaysdesmerveilles profile picture aupaysdesmerveillesMay 2014
Hi Elesiya !
I can't help with your french, tell me what you need to work on and i can arrange some grammar session for you I'm speaking English quite well so I can make clear explanations to you and I've learnt a little bit of Russian few years ago, I forgot most but i would be delighted to start again
DodiePhoebe profile picture DodiePhoebeMay 2014
I an help you about french grammar and I need to practice my english
Eoaldir profile picture EoaldirMay 2014
I can help too
Ayleen profile picture AyleenMay 2014
Je oeux aussi aider pour le francais And i can speak english too