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Why "pas" is skipped in this sentence?

Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

"Tu n'avais eu longtemps pour distraction que la douceur des couchers de soleil."

I know that "pas" is often replaced by some words like "plus", "rien", etc.  but what about this sentence? Where's "pas"? Is it replaced by another word? If so, which word replaced "pas"? :)

And how can you translate the sentence?

Thanks in advance.

PS: Delve into these free French learning lessons: Tips: Typical use of the indefinite articleComputerObject pronouns in coordinated clausesMusic and Entertainment


Mesoyos profile picture MesoyosJuly 2017
En fait, dans cette phrase ce n'est pas la structure ne/pas qui exprime la négation
La structure ne/que qui exprime l'exclusivité
Je NE pense PAS à toi = I don't think of you
Je NE pense qu'à (QUE +à) toi = I think only of you

La phrase doit se traduire à peu près comme ça (pardon mon mauvais anglais)
You only have for entertainement the sweetness of sunsets.
leahcim profile picture leahcimMarch 2015

Notice that the structure "ne ... que" can be hidden further, like in your sentence, if the "ne" and/or the "que" is followed by a vowel. For example :

Je n'ai que ça = I only have that

Je ne vois que ça = I only see that

Je ne pense qu'à elle = I only think to her

Je ne bois que de l'eau = I only drink water


By the way, in informal speech, you will frequently hear the same sentences without the "ne", like these (with the same meanings) :

J'ai que ça = I only have that

Je vois que ça = I only see that

Je pense qu'à elle = I only think to her

Je bois que de l'eau = I only drink water


Or even more informal :

J'ai q'ça.

J'vois qu'ça

J'pense qu'à elle

J'bois que d'l'eau


But please don't use these informal sentences. Just understand them, and be aware that you could hear them in movies, etc. !



Marc94190 profile picture Marc94190March 2015
I agree with the 2 previous comments. Here, you have to consider "ne.... que", which mean "only" and not "ne .... pas" which means "no". Approximately.
marart profile picture marartMay 2014
I'd say that here "que" takes "pas"'s place. The sentence basically means "for a long time, you had only had the sweetness of sunsets as a distraction".
Nathh profile picture NathhMay 2014
In this sentence, "pas" isn't replaced.
It's very difficult to explain it :/ The sentence mean that "your" only distraction was the senset's softness. So, it's not really a negative sentence !