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Je avoir une question


IanTee profile picture IanTeeOctober 2013
1) Why is Je avoir "J'ai" ?
2) what is the difference between
"Je viens d'être diplomé de l'ecole secondaire."
"Je suis excité pour le collège"
do they both mean i am excited for college? mind pointing out some grammar and vocab in it Merci!
  • Namelessbrat profile picture NamelessbratFebruary 2014
    as for your second question: "je viens d'être diplomé" means: I just graduated. "je suis excité pour le collège", I am excited for high school. Both HINT at high school, but they are very different meanings.
  • Namelessbrat profile picture NamelessbratFebruary 2014
    Je ai => french rule: two vowels don't meet. French hates that. example: le ange becomes: l'ange, le enfant becomes l'enfant, je me ennuis becomes: je m'ennuis.
waneequa profile picture waneequaOctober 2013
Before a vowel we use: j'
"J'ai" means "I have" (check out the verb 'avoir')
MlleAmel profile picture MlleAmelOctober 2013
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