100% GOOD (2 votes)BesvarteSpråk spørsmål
I'd like to say "Flim The Artist shows on Wednesday and Friday 5 p.m." in French. How can I say that?


I'm doing my french assignment and got stuck.

Problem 2 says, Exprimez l'information par une phrase. Dites l'heures de façon familière.

->Film The Artist. Séance mercredi et vendredi à 17 h 40.

So how can I make a full sentences with those word?


PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn French: Learning class: Plural of NounsUse of ce, cela, ça as neutral pronounsSubject verb agreement — Agreement with more than one subjectNumber differences between French and English nouns


catthefroggie profile picture catthefroggieJune 2020

Le film "The Artist " sera diffusé à la séance de  six heures moins vingt , mercredi et vendredi.