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I would like some advice from people learning multiple languages at one time. I would like to know recommended study methods for learning multiple languages. I am learning 3 if that helps.


Farangse profile picture FarangseSeptember 2013

Just some random notes from personal experience:

— The more languages you know, the easier it is to learn a new one from scratch. Even if you only know languages from the same group, e.g. romance, and you start an Asian language.

— Some people recommend that you get to a certain level of mastery in one language before starting another one from the same group, in order to minimize possible confusions.

— Now that being said, I personally knew a German guy who was about 38 times smarter than me, and who could fluently speak and write English, Hebrew, French, Spanish, and possibly more. When he tried to learn Italian, he soon had to give up due to the apparent similarities with Spanish. If my memory's correct, he was over 40 at that time though.

— So, learn as many foreign languages as possible, and as early as possible. It's also a notorious fact that babies from parents who natively speak different languages will start talking a bit later than others. But when they do, they don't mix up languages.

— Try and select precisely what idiom you want to learn. For example, if you practice English with native speakers from the US and the UK, mixing those variants is guaranteed, and you will develop your own, odd pronunciation. Ask me how I know.


Cibelo profile picture CibeloSeptember 2013
Hello, I'm currently learning chinese and spanish at the same time.
For the chinese, I have real classes once a week, lasting 2 hours. And then, at home, I practice my pronounciation every evening, during ten minutes.
As for spanish, I learn it on internet, on dedicated websites. Actually, I already have skills in spanish, I just need to refresh it !

For both of these languages, I own two filing cabinet in which I put "Grammar sheets", "Conjugation sheets", "Vocabulary sheets", "Culture sheets", "Exercises sheets". That's how I learn: with sheets. And I monitor a planning, for example I practice chinese on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesay and then I practice spanish on Thursday, Friday, Saturday. During a period, I tried to learn a little chinese then a little spanish every day but I can't, it's not eficient at all for me. I think it's better to focus on one language. As for me, I'm a real beginner in chinese but in spanish, as I wrote before, I already have skills, so there's no matter to learn chinese and improve my spanish at the same time. Plus, these languages are very different thus I can't shuffle them ^^

What languages do you want to learn and did you already have classes for these languages ?

Anyway, good luck learning multiple languages, there's actually no good or bad method, it surely depends on you so it's difficult to help you find an appropriate answer.