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I can help you with English!

 Looking for a Flashcard Partner on 'Vivalanga' Android app! I can create you flashCards in English! I am learning French and Spanish and looking for someone to make me Flashcards in those languages in exchange!  I would really like to learn with anyone interested! 


Riye_Line profile picture Riye_LineMarch 2017
Hi! I don't have Vivalanga yet but I'm really interested in this app. I'm French so I could help!
  • Chantal_ profile picture Chantal_March 2017
    Hi Riye_Line, If you have an Android phone we could do a FlashCard exchange since I am learning French! Its like snapchat but instead of snaps its Flashacards that we make for each other! I have a spanish partner that sends me Flashcards and it is really useful!
ManonBretagne profile picture ManonBretagneMarch 2017
Hi Chantal! I don't have vivalangua but I'd really like meeting up in Paris to speak English and French together if this interests you as well. Let me know
Gwenac profile picture GwenacMarch 2017
Bonjour, débutant sur ce site, je cherche à converser " autoreverse", pratiques tu?