83% GOOD (6 votes)Tidak dijawab
Hi I am a retired school teacher and I speak fluent English. I would be happy to help you practice your English and in exchange, you can help me with my French. Let me know if you are interested. Pau


Nikos91 profile picture Nikos91May 2013
Nikos91 profile picture Nikos91May 2013
Ne cherchez surtout pas à l'aider, il ne répondra pas à vos messages alors qu'il les lit! J'appelle cela être très grossier. Et je trouve cela navrant pour une personne de 60 ans. Et après, on vient critiquer les jeunes. Mais des idiots comme lui ne sont pas capables de répondre lorsqu'on leur propose notre aide. You are a rude man!
Fruwen profile picture FruwenMay 2013
Hi i'am student and i would like to improve my english . i can teach you french

contact me please
Nikos91 profile picture Nikos91May 2013
I'm a student and I would like to improve my english. I live in the "french" part of Belgium and I can help you to practice your French.
Have you got something like a skype account?
samirmanar profile picture samirmanarApril 2013

Hi I am team leader in an ansurance company, i would live to improve my level of education in english, and i can help you in french, il's my professional language, if you are interest?

Malia13 profile picture Malia13May 2013
i am french, i can help you too. My english level is quite bad and i need your help
Pauline974 profile picture Pauline974April 2013
Hi , It will be a pleasure to help you with your French. And I'll enjoy if I can improve my English level !