83% GOOD (6 votes)Walang sagot
Hi I am a retired school teacher and I speak fluent English. I would be happy to help you practice your English and in exchange, you can help me with my French. Let me know if you are interested. Pau


aigie52 profile picture aigie52April 2013
Hi ! My English is quite bad, and I need to make it better for my job. In exchange, i'd enjoy to help you in French !
etheria profile picture etheriaApril 2013
Désolée pour l'envoi précédent, totalement involontaire. If you wish I can help you with your french, it will be a good occasion to refresh my english and to know about Canada, I like this country!
Calibre91 profile picture Calibre91April 2013
Okk!!je vais t'aider tant que tu m'aide!!j'ai beaucoup de problemes au niveau du vocabulaire anglais.ravi de ta connaissance Monsieur.let's start. Karim from Morocoo