100% GOOD (1 votes)답변언어 질문
Please translate this from English to French


Good morning friends,
My name is Barun Patro.
I am an architect and artist.
I am looking for friends who can teach me french.
I am a beginner only.
I use skype and gtalk to talk and learn how to speak.
I am writing these sentences so that somebody can translate them to French.
There are a few phrases in French that I wish to learn because I will use them again and again.
"I am just beginning to learn French"
"Can you say that again, please?"
"Can you write it, please?"
"Please speak slowly"
"How do you say '_______' in French? "
"What is the French word for '________'?
"How do you pronounce this word?"
"Please wait for a second?"
"One second/minute please"
"Is there any other word/sentence for this?"
"Thank you very much"
"This is very interesting"
"Lets practice again"
"Lets do a revision of what we learnt last time"
"Yesterday, today and tomorrow"
"I was on a phone call"
"Take care"
"I like this"
Can you please translate all of this in French? Sil vouz plait :)
Merci Beaucoup .

PS: Delve into these free French learning lessons: Learning class: AnimalObject pronounsEasy way of generating the simple pastHow to say Good Bye


Estich profile picture EstichFebruary 2013
Je commence juste d'apprendre le Français
Peut tu répéter s'il-te-plait ?
Peut tu l'écrire s'il-te-plait ?
S'il-te-plait parle plus lentement
Comment dis t-on "..." en français ?
Quel est le mot français pour ".."
Comment prononce t-on ce mot ?
Attends une seconde/minute
Est ce qu'il y a un autre mot/une autre phrase pour ça ?
Merci beaucoup
C'est très intéressant
Entrainons nous encore
Revisons ce que nous avons fait la dernière fois
Hier, aujourd'hui et demain
J'étais au téléphone
Prends soin de toi
J'aime ça