If you need help in french !!

Vote now!

Hello evrybody, I'm an 18 french girl and I learn english and german. If you need help in french I can help you . And if you can help me in english or german is better !!!!

my mail address and my msn is Juliette6262Juliette6262 profile picture

I would to speak with a lot of different person i'm verry cool and i'm sure you are my futur friend !

See you soon !!!


cola_90 profile picture cola_90September 2007

I'm a 17 years old girl. my mother language is german and I want to learn french. If you want I can help you with your german. I'm very friendly and would be happy about an e-mail from you: cola_90cola_90 profile picture

Gene5017 profile picture Gene5017August 2007


I'm Gene and I study languages (en l'Afrique du Sud). I'd love to help you with your English and I could really use some help with my French...



emina55 profile picture emina55July 2007

hi i add u i will love to teach u english  that my laungua i speek i hope to hear from u

lige profile picture ligeJuly 2007
hello im andrea could you please add me to your friends list and i can teach you perfect english and you can teach me french and the value ill teach of the english is ill teach you the diffrent slangs of each region of the US and ill teach you perfect english the slang you can use so you dont look like a fool always speacking perfect engliosh but you can add a bit of style to it my email is ligelige profile picture
melody24 profile picture melody24July 2007
I am a teacher of English. here is my msn :  melody24melody24 profile picture
levi15791 profile picture levi15791July 2007
hi juliette,
I am Levi, I live in england and i am willing to help you with your english. i would like to improve my french as well. my msn is levi15791levi15791 profile picture
anace profile picture anaceJuly 2007

Hola Juliette

Je suis peruvienne, j'habite a Madrid  et je voudrais practiquer le francais que je l'appris a l' ecole .

Je parle anglais parce que je l ai etudie aux Etats Unis et Canada , si tu veux je peux t'aider avec l'anglais ou espagnol .

Mon email

A bientot


vjkkumar profile picture vjkkumarJuly 2007

hi juliette

i am from india. i would like to learn french. in what way u can help me. may id is vjkkumarvjkkumar profile picture