I would like to improve my French

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Je m´ appelle Michal. J´ habite à Prague en  Ré publique Tchè que.

I have learned French very short time. I would like to improve my French at the first time by writting and then also by speaking.



camille850 profile picture camille850July 2007

hi!  i'm a french girl and i would really enjoy learning you my langage. i hope i could help you! bye

Noutchka profile picture NoutchkaJune 2007

Hi Michal,

I'm French too and I can help you to improve it : you can write me and there will be no problem

By the way, I've been once to Republic Thèque, and I loved it !

mady profile picture madyJune 2007
Hi michal!

My name is Mady, and I'm french! I can help you if you want to improve your french.

I can also speak english quite well, and a little of spanish and italian, for information!

Thanks for responding!