I live in USA and....je voudrais un jeune Francais....

100% GOOD (2 votes)
to help me with my AP French Homework!.....just kidding. Nah, I'm just looking for a penpal. 


link09 profile picture link09August 2007

hello i'm french and i can teach you french language  if you want to  teach me in eglisch.

voici mon adresse  si tu es interessé: link09link09 profile picture


French_Caro profile picture French_CaroMay 2007
Hi !!

I'm French...as you search ! Like you, I'm very interesting of art ! I like reading , drawing, painting....taking photos too... I would like to improve my english and to find a real stranger friend... so it seems to be difficult, I seek for a long time... I'll wait your answer... Bye bye

Jeoffrey profile picture JeoffreyMay 2007


Si tu veux je peux t'aider en franç ais en é change tu pourrais m'aider pour l'anglais.

Si tu es interressé envoie moi un e-mail

Amicalement jeoffrey

Utopia67 profile picture Utopia67May 2007
Hey ! Well, that's not cool, you already know french, so i coulnd't teach you but ... I can be your penpal anyway :p I'm looking for a fluent english speaker to talk with ^^

So, if you ever see this message, feel free to add me or to write me -)

See ya !

And I also love art, and I draw :-) I visited the webiste, it's great !