Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider?

100% GOOD (3 votes)

Hello everyone,

My name is Greg from Melbourne, Australia.

I am looking for someone to help me practice my basic french and i can help you with your english!

Please email me now at koddykoddy profile picture !!!!




tylerdurden69 profile picture tylerdurden69March 2008
i can if you want

tylerdurden69tylerdurden69 profile picture is my email

for french, i can suggested it's very helpful for beginners. Choose the lowest level at the beggining.
gav91190 profile picture gav91190March 2008
i'm interested too, i send you a message )
jayzrow profile picture jayzrowMarch 2008

salut greg

Si tu veux discuter en français ou anglais je te donne mon msn : jayzrowjayzrow profile picture

A bientot


troggy profile picture troggyFebruary 2008

  Hi Greg,

I'm French and 51 years old. I can help you with your French. I speak English well since I teach English here in France.

kriistoff profile picture kriistoffDecember 2007

I can help you too if you want.

A bientôt.


Sys25 profile picture Sys25October 2007

  Hello Greg,

I am sophie i am french and I look  for a correspond to improve my english so if you are interested send me an email.

See you soon I hope..
