I am crazy about french

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Hi to everybody! I want to learn french, i have been studying it for 6 months and i want to  continue! I can teach you russian (my native language) and english (i am a teacher).


Jeoffrey profile picture JeoffreyMay 2007


Si tu veux je peux t'aider en franç ais en é change tu pourrais m'aider pour l'anglais.

Si tu es interressé envoie moi un e-mail

Amicalement jeoffrey

berenayce profile picture berenayceMay 2007

hi ! If you want I can teach you french, french i'ts my native language so there is no problem^^ But you, Do you can teach me english ? because I would like improve my english to speak more freely. bye :-)

Claire06 profile picture Claire06April 2007

I am  french.
Although I studied English in school from the age of eleven to eighteen years, I cannot speak English.
The school curriculum was focused on grammar not on conversation
and I have not had the opportunity to practice what I learned.
I am interested in using e-mail to learn some English while helping someone else improve their French.

I give you my MSN's adress : Claire06Claire06 profile picture

Bye bye.


nominoee profile picture nominoeeApril 2007

I am french and i can help you in your learning. I search somebody for improve my english and have conversation  in english.

If you are involved, writte me!! Or if you have msn give me your adresse.

I hope answer to your expectation.

Bye bye.



Je suis franç aise et je peux t'aider  dans ton apprentisage. Je cherche quelqu'un pour amé liorer mon anglais et avoir des conversation dans ceete langue. Si tu est  inté ressé , é crivez moi! Ou si  tu as une adresse mns donne la moi.

J'espè re ré pondre à tes attentes.
