I want to learn french

33% GOOD (3 votes)

Hi !

I'm from the netherlands and I want to learn french. I can teach you dutch !

I hope someone want to help me :D



nath92 profile picture nath92April 2007


I'm interested to learn dutch. I've started to learn butmy teachers live france. I know some words and i've got a dictionnary. I can help you in french.

My mail : nath92nath92 profile picture

berthe profile picture bertheApril 2007

hi ! my native language is french and I speak english too. If you want I can help you if you have questions about french or just talk to you by e-mails in french or english. (I'm not really intersted by dutch because I need to improve my german first)

  bertheberthe profile picture

lubiloo7 profile picture lubiloo7April 2007

Hey I badly need to learn French as well....anyone need English? Any h.elp welcome


Mike13 profile picture Mike13April 2007
hi i'm french. If you're intersted, my msn : Mike13Mike13 profile picture
MMime profile picture MMimeApril 2007


I can teach you French, it's  my native language. I specially don't want to learn Dutch, but, if you want, I can teach you some German.