I try to learn French!Can you help me with this?

Głosuj teraz!


I am trying to learn French by myself.It would be great if  anybody can help with it! From my side-do not know, ask me and maybe I can help you   my email KotikTasiaKotikTasia profile picture


Sarito profile picture SaritoSeptember 2007
Bonjour, c'est Sarah, je t'ai laissé un mail , j'espère qu'on pourra apprendre beaucoup ensemble !
maher_tunisia1 profile picture maher_tunisia1September 2007


salut sa vas? im here Maher from Tunisia and i can help you in french!!ur welcome my hotmail adress is maher_tunisia1maher_tunisia1 profile picture if anybody like to know arabic english french languages !!!!welcome everybody