You French/Me English exchange?

Vote now!


                              My name is Mackenzie and I am a 17 year-old french immersion student who is willing to help out others who are learning English or may need help perfectionning their English.  In exchange, I am hoping that you will give my written texts a quick look and point out any grammatical mistakes or "anglicisme" in them.

                            Apart from that.. I am also offering a promising and fruitful friendship :D (HA, this makes me sound like a salesperson, but I swear, I'm not trying to sell anything! :P)

Please let me know if you're interested by e-mailing the following address: Im_a_sailorIm_a_sailor profile picture

or by sending me a message through polyglot!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yours truly,

Mackenzie M.