I want to improve my english


I'm 23 years old and I live in Paris. I study communication and marketing and I khow that english could help me to find a training or a Job. I also want to meet people speaking english to become more at ease in english. On my side I am willing to teach french. It's really important for me to find a serious and reliable person to reach my aim.

If you are interessed in, give me your mail adress and I will answer you as quick as possible.

Many thanks

mimichanvertmimichanvert profile picture


letterFMLuke profile picture letterFMLukeOctober 2007
if you are still looking for someone to talk with please feel free to email me: letterFMLukeletterFMLuke profile picture.
i'm 22 and am studying english literature in college.
melody24 profile picture melody24July 2007

I am a teacher of English. Here is my msn : melody24melody24 profile picture

m_gt_ir profile picture m_gt_irJuly 2007
Hi, my name is Mohammad. I'm a student. I would like to find a friend who can help me to improve my French.
In exchange, I can help you to improve your English.
If you are interested please contact me by: 'm_gt_irm_gt_ir profile picture'

Best regards.