
Text von orangepainting - Français

    • Basic proffessional conversation

    • POLYGLOT FRENCH ATTEMPT 1: (Setting is a conference and I am expected to introduce myself and state why I am present ) Salut!
    • Je mappelle Orangepainting.Je suis facilitor vous transition l’organisation.
    • Donnez-moi sil vous plait vous attention.
    • Vous adresse moi regardez le presentetion’ ENGLISH VERSION: HI everyone!
    • My name is OrangePainting, I am here to help ease your transition into this organization and answer any questions you may have so please pay attention.
  • Feel free to stop me during this presentation if you wish to address a burning issue.
  • Most of you joined this organization for different personal reasons, personally I did it because I wanted to spend most my time doing something that thought was worth it and sure enough it gave me the sense of accomplishment that I desired.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - Français