
Text from caspercoast - Français

  • English to French

    • Good morning friends, My name is Barun Patro.
    • I am an architect and artist.
    • I am looking for friends who can teach me french.
    • I am a beginner only.
    • I use skype and gtalk to talk and learn how to speak.
    • I am writing these sentences so that somebody can translate them to French.
    • There are a few phrases in French that I wish to learn because I will use them again and again.
    • "I am just beginning to learn French" "Can you say that again, please?" "Can you write it, please?" "Please speak slowly" "How do you say '_______' in French?
    • " "What is the French word for '________'?
    • "How do you pronounce this word?" "Please wait for a second?" "One second/minute please" "Is there any other word/sentence for this?" "Thank you very much" "This is very interesting" "Lets practice again" "Lets do a revision of what we learnt last time" "Yesterday, today and tomorrow" "I was on a phone call" "I am Sorry" "Yes/No" "Take care" "I like this" Last time not many replied.
    • Can you please translate all of this in French?
    • Sil vouz plait :) Merci Beaucoup .