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What is the difference between these 3 words : kauppa, liike ja myymälä?

Anteeksi, en puhu kovin hyvin suomea

That's why the question is in English!

Thank you in advance for answering!

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Juhapetri profile picture JuhapetriOctober 2018
Все ети слова означают магазин. Слово KAUPPA означает тоже торговлю и сделку. Слово LIIKE означает тоже торговую предприятие и торговую фирму. Оно тоже означает движение.
mpalin profile picture mpalinSeptember 2020
They have roughly the same meaning, but you would use them in different contexts. For example, ”liike” is a store as a part of a chain. You could for example say: ”Meillä on liikkeitä 10 eri maassa”: ”We have stores in 10 different countries”. So it means it’s the same chain of stores.
Hexen profile picture HexenSeptember 2019
I am a native and I don't kind of see any other difference than that "kauppa" is the most used word and has it's origin in Old Swedish and is still used in Icelandic I think.