Do you want to learn finnish?

40% GOOD (10 votes)

Hi! So, if you want to learn finnish,  I would be happy to teach you.  I'm Finn, so at the same time  you can learn something about Finnish culture, if you want to  ^^


finnish profile picture finnishSeptember 2016
hi, I'm from Brazil and I want to learn Finnish
in exchange for teaching Portuguese
Wylks profile picture WylksSeptember 2016
Hi, I'd like to learn finnish. I can teach you spanish (from Spain), if you're interested...
ezgiuygun profile picture ezgiuygunJuly 2016
I would love to have some help with Finnish!
Glow03 profile picture Glow03June 2016
Hi! I am looking for someone that can answer a small survey about the Finland and its languages. It's for a school assignment. If you could help I would be forever grateful.
Cacadordepalavras profile picture CacadordepalavrasApril 2014

In Finnish, how to say? 

1. I want to speak 
2. I need to speak 
3. I have to speak 
4. I like to speak 
5. I prefer to speak 
6. I will speak 
7. I would speak 
8. I can speak 
9. I could speak 
10. I should speak 
11. I know how to speak

Flarrez profile picture FlarrezFebruary 2011

I know some Finnish, but am interested in talking now and then. I see there is a lot of activity here, but if you've got some minutes free, feel free to take contact : )

seriseri6 profile picture seriseri6October 2010

  i want to learn very badly.if yu help me ill be happy.


Munoko profile picture MunokoAugust 2010

Ma olen Munoko. Mä tykkään Suomeasta.

If you can help me to  improve my finnish,  it will be great !

Hope to hear from you soon !