I can teach finnish! Moi vaan kaikki! ;D

55% GOOD (11 votes)

Miten menee? Voin opettaa sinulle suomea, mutta en tosin ole priimus englennissa mutta tajuan melkein kaiken!
How are you?  I can teach finnish to you, but  i am not valedictorian from english but i understand about all!


s_marterne profile picture s_marterneDecember 2011
I would like to learn finnish! My grandmother is finnish, I would like to surprise her by talking her native language! I can teach swedish or english if you want to!

kutayutkan profile picture kutayutkanNovember 2011

  İ want to learn finnish contact me if you want to help.

Eca profile picture EcaSeptember 2011

i would like to lean fnnish so if you have time contact me :) 

malou1985 profile picture malou1985August 2011

hyvää iltaa....

I can a little finnish.. I can say hallo and some close to that... I will love to be better to finnish... I love ice hockey and we always have players from Finland and it could be fun to talk to them... I hope to find someone some can help me... Im not fast learner....

seriseri6 profile picture seriseri6October 2010

  i want to learn.help me please?


Julian23 profile picture Julian23July 2010

Me please, can you send me an email please, Julian23Julian23 profile picture

pepperoach profile picture pepperoachMay 2010


I'm really interested in learning Finnish, but I am a complete beginner :P
Is it really as hard as they say? I'm a very fast learner |D

Natalia_tasha profile picture Natalia_tashaMarch 2010

Minäkin haluan oppia suomea!!!!!

contact me =)