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¡AGREGA UN NUEVO VIDEO!86% dijo "BIEN" (146 votes)


Beyza20 profile picture Beyza20April 2020
This is great!! Thanks
RRob profile picture RRobOctober 2019
This is very useful example. Thank you.
Cat59 profile picture Cat59October 2019
SUPER ! merci beaucoup
bourjalsamir profile picture bourjalsamirOctober 2019

Thank You

Jokrru profile picture JokrruJuly 2019

Anastasia. You gave clear explanation with varied context. Great! If you involve the people listening, you'll give them a feeling that they speak or do sth instead of watching passively. You can simply ask them to repat after you etc. For me the font size is ok, but some may like it a bit bigger. Good work anyway, thanks. 

AnastasiaSav profile picture AnastasiaSavJuly 2019
Thank you!!!