Learn English Vocabulary

ДОБАВЕТЕ НОВО ВИДЕО!74 % kaза "ДОБРЕ" (43 votes)


Kibele profile picture KibeleFebruary 2021
Good idea! thanks...
Anna11223 profile picture Anna11223January 2018
He is a very good teacher. I want more learning with this gentelman..
PatyMilan profile picture PatyMilanApril 2017
Uauuuuu....I am learning a lot with your lessons!

Thank´s a million!!!
edgar_espi profile picture edgar_espiDecember 2016
Excelente video, I love it!
Vikaaa profile picture VikaaaNovember 2011

It's a very coooooool video! )

gilsonribeiro profile picture gilsonribeiroMay 2011

Good job H.J Hoge!

I am learning a lot with your videos and lessons!

Thank´s a lot!