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Q 1- Which languese is easy to learn after english?


horizonrays profile picture horizonraysJune 2016
french and german , because of english history ,
english started as germanic language , and was impacted by many latin based languages , especially french .
Vigneshmrvv profile picture VigneshmrvvJune 2016
I have to say tamil it us the easiest language
TriniNYC profile picture TriniNYCJanuary 2016
I would have to say Spanish. Once you know the alphabet, pronunciation is very easy. The rules of the language are fairly consistent, with some exceptions.
Victorgamboa profile picture VictorgamboaJanuary 2016
The easiest is definitely western Frisian but since it is pretty rare the next choice would be dutch
maikaeferli profile picture maikaeferliJanuary 2016
French. ) Actually, the base of English is a mixture of Anglo- Saxon, Latin and Old French.
Tiziana1977 profile picture Tiziana1977January 2016
Dipende di che nazionalità sei... e comunque niente è impossibile da studiare. Basta volerlo.
  • Tiziana1977 profile picture Tiziana1977January 2016
    Non si studia la lingua più facile ,ma quella che piace,o e' utile e può essere anche la più diversa dalla tua lingua madre.Credo sia un'ottima sfida cercare di non trovare per forza la "più semplice"o "simile"alla propria lingua madre.
Tiziana1977 profile picture Tiziana1977November 2015
Nothing is simple or complicated , depending on how much you are motivated to study and learn a new language and sometimes is completely different from our mother tongue .