Vastake - English

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Advanced German language and Grammar for British English

Hello, my name is Dapia. To my knowledge, my reading of English texts, my listening and understanding English speeches and my English writing is based on an reasonable level. But to me it is far away from an utmost satisfactory level yet. In addition, I would like getting rid of my Grammar mistakes and my accent. It would be a great pleasure for me, to evolve a deeper understanding of the British culture and the way of life in your country. I can offer the same concerning the German language and its peculiarities in exchange. Our German grammar might be considered somewhat demanding by foreigners. But our Grammar is not such an obstacle for practicing the German language, as one might expect it to be. I propose to talk to each other on Skype from time to time. If my proposal suits you, please, do not hesitate responding me either in German or in English! I will answer it shortly afterwards. Thank you!