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The Little bear

Little bear heard many times that germs are dangerous creatures, for this reason he decided to fight with them.

In one early morning he takes a cudgel and goes forward. In the way he facing with a baby sparrow .he looks at her “I want to fight with germs did you see them? “He said, “This is impossible you should…” The sparrow said. But little bear don’t listen to rest of her words. He goes forward and facing with a baby elephant “did you see germs around here? I want to fight with them “he shouted. “If you want fighting with germs, at first you should washing your hand properly and then…”Baby elephant said.

Little bear that didn’t get point of baby elephant go forward sadly .After a while he became tired and hungry and sat under a tree for rest. There is a beehive above the tree. When he see it he feels happy and climb the tree .He takes honey with his dirty hands “I am tired right now I will come back tomorrow to fight with germs “He said.

Next day little bear become sick. And couldn’t fight with germs. “Sweetie, if you primarily asked me that where germs are and how we can fight with them I will told you .You should know germs make nest in our dirty hands .So for fighting with them it is better always keep your hands clean and wash your hands before eating .Now you should rest to get healthy and lush.


AAVlondon profile picture AAVlondonJune 2014
*Can* you correct this please?

The little bear.

*The* little bear often heard that germs are dangerous creatures, *and* for this reason he decided *to fight (against) them*.

*One early morning* he *took* a cudgel and *went* forward. *On* the way he *was faced* with a baby sparrow. He *looked* at her *and said*, 'I want to fight germs, did you see them?' *The sparrow replied*, '*that* is impossible, you should...'. But little bear, don't listen to *whatever else she says*. He *went* forward, and, *faced* with a baby elephant, *he said* 'did you see germs around here?' I want to fight them. *The elephant* shouted, 'if you want *to fight germs*, you should *first* *wash* your *hands* properly and then...'
  • AAVlondon profile picture AAVlondonJune 2014
    *The* next day *the* little bear *became* sick, and couldn't *fight germs*...If you *first* asked me *where* germs *was*, and how we *could fight them*, *i would have told you*. You should know germs make *nests* in our hands *when they are dirty*. So *to fight them* it is *always better* *to keep* your hands clean and wash *them* before eating...
  • AAVlondon profile picture AAVlondonJune 2014
    When he *saw* it...he *felt* happy...and *climbed* the tree...he *took out* honey with his dirty hands *and said*...right now *but* I will come *fight germs*