50% GOOD (2 votes)Fără răspuns
Hi! I am looking for speaking english! French is my native language so if want to improve it: I would be happy to share with you!!


I really like the english language and that's why I want to have some nice talk with another people (of course english or american or Irish or any other who have this mother tongue!) wink Share with me on a lot of subject and in the same time improve a language!

I'm student inFrance and interested from a lot of things, love discover and learn new thingslaugh

So if you want to speak with me : don't hesitate, I would be very happy. Thankssmiley


I hope see you soon!



znpy profile picture znpyJanuary 2013
Friends, I am logout from here now.Because, My work finished. I hope, We will see tomorow. Good evening...
znpy profile picture znpyJanuary 2013
If you want to learn Turkish ,I can teach you its.
  • znpy profile picture znpyJanuary 2013
    Nice to meet you, Markus Is name Markus? yes, I would speak english with you. But My english language isn't good. Can you help me this about? I will be happy.
znpy profile picture znpyJanuary 2013
Hello My name is Zeynep. I want to learn English. Can you help me about this? I will wery happy.
  • _MaRKuS_ profile picture _MaRKuS_January 2013
    Hello Zeynep Nice to meet you ! Of course I would be glad to talk with you in english and learn your language ! Are you living in Paris ?