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Hello! What should I answer on ”Thank you”? As I studied, the answer can be ”You are welcome”. Is it ok?


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJuly 2024
”You are welcome”/”You’re welcome” are OK. It’s usually the first one which is taught to people learning English. You can usually see it in Beginner/A1 textbooks.

But... There are many different ways of responding to ”Thank you”/”Thanks” in English

This video gives quite a good overview of some (but not all!) of the ways to respond:

This video includes both British and American English variants (yes, another difference between British and American English!).

Incidentally, number 7 on the list in the video, ”No worries” originates from Australian English. It’s now used informally in British and even American English. However, in Australian English it can be used in very formal speech