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There is the expression ”There is no planet B”. And could I say the following ”There is no life B”, which would mean ”There is not another additional life”?


AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgJune 2024

From what you have written, I’m inferring that when you say ”There is no planet B” that you are stating that there is no life on any other planet except for Earth.

”There is no planet B” is a common way to express that there is no alternative planet to Earth.

So, what you should say instead of ”There is no life B” is ”There is no life on B”.

It would mean ”There is no other additional life.” (not ”There is not another additional life”) if you are referring back to your original statements. This is another way of saying that there is no other life on other planets except for Earth.

  • Vadele profile picture VadeleJune 2024
    Thank you! I got it. But I wonder If it is possible to create a phrase that is an analogue of the phrase ”There is no planet B”. And the meaning of this phrase would be ”I have only one life”